I'm working on planning for a workshop happening next week and I'm excited and nervous about it all at the same time. Its important to me personally and I can see how it could and will be really good and I can also see where it might not be perfick. I'm putting as much as I can to make it a good, enjoyable day that people feel that they can participate and join in with. I also know I won't have key people/colleagues there who could make a valuable contribution.
Trying to make the day accessible with limited resources is also a challenge and is the bit I worry the most about because it needs to be addressed if people are to genuinely engage. Access is probably the only bit that isn't ok if not in place.
An event or event not being perfick is ok if it's part of a journey, a step in a learning process and of course, if all feel they are part of that process or journey. Even mistakes made around access can sometimes be forgiven if the mistake is learnt from and not made again.
I think the worries are set within fear of a blame culture a fear that we are not open to trying something in a new way. Again if it's a collaboration, we can take responsibility for our actions and move on without fear of being put in the stocks or being defensive. I hope next week will be a collaboration, a step along the journey and I hope it will be a positive, enjoyable experience. We will be talking about really important issues and I hope we see the struggles and barriers as a challenge and part of our growing strength rather than an insurmountable mountain.
My personal glass is almost always at least three quarters full, that's just me, life's to short for me to be beaten by negativity and problems, I see them and try and do something about them. Sometimes I get it right and oh yes I also get it wrong too. I really hope all that come on the workshop will feel that their glass is at least half full too. At least we can join together and say cheers to the next event!
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