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Saturday, 17 March 2007

The jury is out on Comic Dis-Relief

Last night was Comic Relief and I always feel split on what happens. I know it saves lives and has made big differences. I've worked on funded projects that could only have happened as a result of Comic Relief & the like. But........
As a rule, I reject the idea of Non-disabled actors playing about in wheelchairs, there are plenty disabled actors out of work as a result and at least three owe me money!
Andy Pipkin, Brian Potter and even my beloved Borat have got me thinking. Harmless fun? Making a laugh at societies attitude rather than impairment? Means justify the ends (or is it the other way around)?
I don't want to be a hippocrite, I have loved and laughed at Peter Kay, Borat and Little Britain, but last night rammed home what I don't like, or feel uneasy about, in each of them. It was amplified by them all being together and now to be on the same record and video which will be a hit for sure.
So the Jury is out. I might have to burn my beloved Phoenix Nights and delete Borat from mySpace friends.
Well, it's St Patrick's day, rugby's on and we are stronger than any comedy characters..but the jury is definitely out on these old faves of mine.....Help.

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Yesterday at just after 3.45pm went live. Do visit and sign the guestbook. I will continue to use my blog for major dickering and ranting, so text on the web stays reasonable. I shall also continue to use my Flickr site as my main picture site so uploading the website stays a reasonable speed. My aim is that they will all compliment each other and be used in different ways for different information. Enjoy!

Saturday, 10 March 2007

I know I've said it before!

The resource pack has now finished the proof reading stage and amendments made. Now it's off to the printers in the next week, soon to be available in all good UK Youth resource catalogues!

As a result, I haven't done much else, apart from studying, writing and more studying. My aim in the next two weeks is to get my dissertation completed. After my last few negative TV watches I haven't missed getting angry at poor TV portrayal.

On another note The BRBB might be getting played on a podcast thingy! Wics! I'll let you know when/if it all happens.

I took a little break on Thursday afternoon, I needed to get out for air, so headed to Richmond Park for a half hour. Hence the piccy! Spring in the air......spring in the air yerself ya old eejit!

Oh yeh, The St Patricks Day count down is on, come on the boys today. The triple crown could be coming to Irelands shores! Up the boya!

Be lucky


Saturday, 3 March 2007

New List Added

Just for you Robin!

If anyone can add please add to comments. The list can be found down the righ hand-side.

Be Lucky


Friday, 2 March 2007

So What Is Inclusion?

Well after over a year and a bit, we are nearly there!

I've been writing a resource pack and have had an amazing journey doing it. Thanks to Abby for trusting in me, I hope it's all going to go OK in sales. We have got our first order! Yahoo!

At times the pack has over taken my degree, but luckily I have been able to use it as part of my studies, so I guess that makes it not so bad. In the last two years, I don't think I've ever written so much. This blog is part evidence of that. I've got word diarrhea!

You have to understand, when I started at Uni, nearly three years ago, I honestly felt I couldn't write that well. Then I started doing OK with my results, and suddenly it all comes out...The worry for you is I know there's loads more to come. There's lots of stuff that didn't make it into the resource pack and I'd like to do something similar, without all the HTML interactive stuff. A little simpler so I can just write.

I now understand why writing a good book takes so long. Don't bother with those auto biographies by celebs who do it in two months. Reflect and then reflect again!

I've got a tutorial programme running at SFX on Monday, which is amazing for me. The whole college does the session, run by their tutor group leader. It's a bit nerve wracking as you wonder how the tutors interpret your plans and notes, but it's a good college with good tutors, so I hope I haven't let them down in writing!

Be lucky,