I had a great inspiring trip with a few close friends (56) up to our favourite outdoor education centre, Bendrigg Lodge. The energy, talents and friendship the young people share on this trip is always inspiring and this trip was no exception.
You may have guessed from my twitter, facebook or diary antics, that since December I've been getting more & more involved with the life & times of Ian Dury and in particular the brilliant Theatre Company Graeae. I've been singing as part of the development stage of there latest production "Reasons To Be Cheerful". Written by Paul Sirett, it's a funny, gritty, sometimes hard & sad story intertwinned around the songs of Ian Dury. I think this description of the show will be better articulated as I get to know the story once it's finished it's 100th or more re-write. I've only met Paul a handful of times but i love watching him, watching us, wondering what his next thought is. What might he be thinking as a result of a flippent rehearsal comment or action that might end up in the next script, or not? We are in the safe and genius hands of Jenny Sealy who I love being around & learning from. She is a very experienced Artistic Director and great fun to be around. Robert Hyman is our MDand he can sure hit them keys.
You'll have to come and see!
Anyway on Saturday, it was confirmed that I'm in it, doing the vocal. I'm over the moon, and completely over whelmed by this new opportunity. It feels like I'm punching well over my weight on this one, even though others tell me different and in my heart I know if I work hard and focus I might just get close to living the total dream!
I've sung all my life, never brilliantly, but always tried entertainingly. I live & love music and have been lucky to make a living from it in different ways and to do this is a boyhood dream that has stayed with me through my life.
It's the people around me who are so skilled and talented that are the icing on the cake, you should see them, they are top banana & I'm going on the journey with them!!
I realise, I've not actually mentioned the elections, well why should I?? None of them have said much about the things that matter to me, Inclusion, rights, social justice, valuing informal learning & young disabled & non disabled people growing, learning & playing together....except yesterday when the bias of all parties towards segregated education was shown to still be in existence!
And Mr Steen MP, I'm giving up on ever hearing back from you about your bad parking habits. With any luck he's going to get kicked out on 6th May and we'll never know about his parking antics or expenses behaviours ever again. With the greatest of respects, thanks for showing you never did actually want to hear from Disabled People, I hope you are very happy polishing yer pearls & may you never need a parking space in SW London!
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