My first update is to say that I haven't had any response from Mr Steen MP to my email sent on 1st June, so it's obvious that he isn't interested in apologising for his actions but in just getting a few column inches to promote himself. Obviously I've sent him an email asking why he hasn't responded after asking people to contact him. A publicity stunt perhaps?
My final dissertation gets handed in next Monday & I've had an amazing three year journey. I feel like I have learnt about some new principles that will be important to my future practices, primarily around the importance of Autonomy, clarity around equality and the role of Social Justice & Haman Rights. Also the importance of participation in democracy, so nothing small or easy but all important.
My next journey, seems to be taking me towards strengthening my understanding of research methods and a focus on 'building community'....oh yeh, and how to survive a night out with the lads as my alcohol consumption has definitely decreased!
My last three years has developed my understanding around philosophy and the use of philosophy to clarify a concept such as equality or the social model so that it can withstand the rigors of challenge and debate, academic or otherwise.
Philosophy & theory are important but the last month has also re-enforced my own belief in the importance between theory & practice and in how they underpin or support each other. Why, because I've listened and seen at first hand that disabled people are still experiencing discrimination and struggles on a daily basis. More of this in my next entry.
To catch up, I'm going to make a few seperate entries as in one it would be too long and boring to read (probably!) and then you can read as much or as little as you wish. Oh yes, I've also been involved in a national launch of our resource pack "So What Is Inclusion", (an ideal stocking filler for Christmas, easter present or any celebration), DJ'd 2 weddings, been featured on a national podcast and also a spread in a Nigerian Disability Issues magazine, been quoted in Young People Now and finally had my hair cut.
Be Lucky,